My first Vitamix Soup! Should be called, “fly by the seat of your pants” soup. Thank you Vitamix, for making my inchoate food choppings into something yummy.
- 1.5 sweet potatoes, chopped into large chunks (skins and all)
- 2 cloves garlic
- chunk of ginger (not too big, add small pieces until to taste)
- 1/2 apple
- dab of veggie bouillon
- about 1 C. almond milk
- 2-3 C. water
Dump into Vitamix. Press start. Wait 5-8 minutes until warm. Longer for hot.
Pour. Eat.
Yummy. Ginger is necessary to liven it up. Vitamix makes it rich and frothy. It also made enough for 2 people at least (unexpected!).
Voila! My first Vitamix soup!
Some future options?
- celery
- carrot instead of apple
- cinnamon and spices
- coconut milk instead of almond milk