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I really like this new bag from Zenifit! If you’re looking for a sweet little bag that makes transporting your daily yoga mat a breeze, then this handy tote may be a great solution.
Now there are a million yoga mat bags out there, it’s true, but I’ve found most of them to be fairly cumbersome. Frankly, I never use a yoga bag because they’re not worth the trouble. You usually have to deal with stuffing the mat into a tube like device and then zipping it all up, or threading your mat through a special pocket that makes carrying the bag all weird. In some bags, the mat winds up sitting horizontally rather than vertically, and I wind up knocking over plants when I walk by.
What I really like about this bag is that it makes everything so easy. You just stick your mat in the bag. Voila. Done. Because the sides of the bag are nice and high, the mat doesn’t tumble out or create an awkward weight issue. Having your mat in a tote may seem like a big no brainer, but I don’t see many mat bags out there that are doing this. And there’s still enough room in the bag to hold other important stuff, like your water bottle and your change of clothes. An outer pocket with a zippered compartment can keep hold your valuables, like your phone and credit cards. Nice wide straps make it easy on the shoulder to carry.
Now, I use a Manduka Pro Mat, which is very heavy. At the time of this blog posting, I am travelling to my sister’s, so I have my lighter travel mat with me rather than my Manduka. However, I still wanted to get a feel for whether or not this bag could accommodate a larger and heavier mat. To test it out, I rolled up three lighter mats together. And you know what? They fit in the bag, no problem.
The pro’s
- Easy to use, just stick your mat in there!
- Nicely weighted
- Feels good on the shoulder
- Roomy enough to hold water and extra clothes
- Made from cotton, ahhhh, natural and durable
- Sweetly pretty. The black color will wear well, and the embroidery and color accents (choose green or purple) adds a pretty touch.
The con’s
- The embroidery and sac-shape may feel a bit “hippy” for yogis who love fashion with a sleek line.
- Won’t fit a mat more than 1/2″ in thickness. If you use a very fluffy mat, do a quick measure test before you buy.
- No shipping to Canada yet, folks.
All in all, I really like this bag and will use it for casual trips to the studio. I can also see leaving my mat at home and simply wearing this bag around to hop on over to the beach or the grocery 🙂 Nicely done! Check it out on Amazon.
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