My client Julia called me yesterday in despair.
“I promised to make big changes in my life this year. I was so excited and motivated on January 1 ! Now only 2 weeks later I’ve basically thrown them all out the window.”
In the past year, Julia had been under a lot of stress and let her bad habits take over. Her company downsized and even though she didn’t lose her job, she was doing the work of three people and being underpaid. Then for months she didn’t put much effort into finding that great relationship she wanted so badly and had shied away from many social plans.
“I don’t have the time or the energy and I feel so blah. I just want to go home and hide.”
Julia didn’t feel confident and hadn’t been motivated to do anything consistently about it. She kept putting it all off and didn’t feel good physically or mentally about herself or her body.
“Once I feel more confident and better about myself I’ll be motivated to do it all. Once things slow down I’ll really focus on myself.” Julia realized that an entire year had passed and she was still stuck in the same place, making the same promises to herself and not following through.
She then asked the magic question,
“What’s wrong with me? Why do I keep doing this to myself?”
I answered with one of my favourite quotes from A Course in Miracles: “Do you not see that all your misery comes from the strange belief that you are powerless?” Then I asked her, “Do you want to be suffering over the same issues a year from now?”
Julia had been doing what so many of us do:
- She had been afraid of stepping into her greatness and going for all of her dreams.
- She had been unwilling to push through discomfort.
- She had gotten stuck in a pattern of settling, tolerating and holding onto safety.
- She was playing small to stay under the radar rather than taking the powerful actions to be that woman she dreamed of being.
But…I could hear in her voice: she was tired of listening to herself complain.
“I see that I keep procrastinating and so much time is going by. I’m missing out on so much in life.”
Julia decided to make a commitment to herself. It was time to pour on the self-love and self-care she had been missing! She was ready to let go of all the justifications and bad inner dialog she had entertained and believed for so long.
Does anything about Julia’s situation seem familiar? Are you ready for your own dose of self-love and self-care? It will help you change anything!
Here’s my suggestion:
Sign up for my 6-week course, The Illuminated Woman. I teach this 6-week coaching course with Dana James (a triple certified nutritionist who is also trained in cognitive behavioural therapy). Specially designed for women, this course will help you undo self-defeating patterns, radically shift your relationship with food, and set up healthy mental and physical habits for self-nourishment and self-love.
- Starts Tuesday, February 13
- Runs for 6 consecutive weeks
- All calls are recorded in case you can’t make the phone call live!
- Seven-day meal plans for each week – these are plant-rich plans that can be adjusted for a vegan diet.
- 70-minute calls for 6 consecutive weeks.
- Your own 45-minute private coaching call with me to tackle specific concerns.
- Emails to troubleshoot and remind you that you’re supported on this journey.
- Commitment to each other and ourselves to stay motivated focused and nourished over this 6-week program.
- 1lb raw, organic Beauti-fuel protein powder developed by Dana James.
- My 7-day Brain & Body Boot Camp program, featuring fitness guru Amanda Russell with streaming video and mind exercises.
- $699 USD for 6-week program.
- $625: early bird discounted price for sign-up by Friday, February 2.
It’s time for self-love!