Yoga teachers are entrepreneurs.
In addition to teaching, we have to do our own marketing, manage our bookkeeping, create our own products, and be our own graphic designers. We’re one-woman (or man) shows. And in my yoga-preneurial life, I sometimes come across new tools that I’ve found that can be useful for our work.
Here is one that I love. It’s a quiz from the people at Interact and it’s designed to get you leads (and newsletter subscribers) by getting people to take a quiz. Now, until this time, I’ve been doing what most of us do: throw up a newsletter invite on my site and hope for the best (bless you Mailchimp!). However, I have been wanting to create something more interactive for my visitors – and I also wanted the capacity to add people to different newsletter lists depending on their interests. Interact lets me do both.
Interact Quizzes are easy and intuitive to build. They’re visual, fun, and there are a ton of templates made to make it easy for you to create. You can make branching quizzes (one question leads you down a particular rabbit hole), personality tests, scored quizzes, or assessments. You can link up your favorite newsletter provider to the quiz results (I use Mailchimp, but they integrate with a lot of others, like Infusionsoft, Constant Contact, and MadMimi to name a few) so that your quiz participants can be directed to sign up for your newsletter service before they get their results. And (this is super cool), you can add them to different lists based on their answers to different questions! In other words, you can get really granular and have people on a few different lists by the time you’re done. Wow! And isn’t it more fun to get people involved with your site a bit before you hit them up for their email address?
Of course, after they’ve done the quiz, you can give them your grand call to action (“get my free yoga class,” “find where I teach,” or “get my free ebook”).
Now, I just popped this quiz onto my site a couple days ago. Interact gives you several different integration options (add it to your announcement bar, make it a pop up, send people a direct link). After I put the quiz into my site, I also shared it out on social media and added it to my newsletter. Since then, I’ve gotten about 500 quiz views, 50 quiz starts and 11 newsletter conversions. To give you an idea, I generally get one new subscriber a day. And I just got eleven in two days. So…that’s cool (!). While the jury is still out to see if the quiz performs better over time, I’d say that’s a decent start!
Also (and this is very awesome), when I look at who has taken my quiz, I can see how people answered the questions, which gives me excellent intel about why people are coming to my site and what they’re looking for. Interact is containing to build out their reporting features, which will make it easy for you to see how people are reacting to your quiz. On the technical side, Interact integrates seamlessly with WordPress (my platform). Yay! You may need a bit more elbow grease if you use a different platform, but mine is simply plug and play.
Best of all, it’s free. Yes, you can buy the fancy version for money, but almost all of the cool features are available in the basic version.
If you’re curious about using quizzes to help engage and build up your community, check it out.