Tittibhasana (insect pose) is very fun pose to try, requiring deep hip flexion, hamstring opening, and a keen sense of balance. Part of the pose requires training the connection between the upper arm and the thigh; by connecting these parts of the body, you can create buoyancy and stability. Candidly, access into this pose (and many of these tighter arm balances) is dictated in part by the structure of the hip joint. Students who have a good deal of hip flexion and longer arms will find it easier to access.
Peak pose: Tittibhasana
Component parts:
- Hamstring opening
- Hip flexion
- Midline (adductor connection, squeezing inner thighs in)
- Core
- Hand and wrist education
Here’s the flow sequence I taught. For the sake of simplicity, I am not outlining the transitions. Because it was a flow class, most transitions occurred through vinyasa. I frequently used the “mountain climber” transition from 3-legged dog, where you round forward and draw the knee to the chest or outer upper arm. This action helps to train core, hip flexion, adductor midline, and continued engagement and lift of back leg – all essential in many arm balances. Linked poses are indicated with “-“.
Use good sequencing sense.
- Sukhasana
- Surya A x 5
- taught students to walk to front of mat in small steps, heels down first and palms flat, to begin to train hip lift and open hamstrings
- Low lunge-half splits flow (to start opening hamstrings)
- Parsvakonasana with hand to inside of leg (get shoulder inside knee and hug in)
- Uttanasana, working to get chest to inside of thighs
- Garudasana – nesting eagle – crescent – lizard (do R/L)
- Lizard: back leg lifted (trains hip flexion and shoulder/thigh connection, as well as teaches back leg to stay engaged with the back hip lifted).
- Transition to downward dog by clamping front knee on upper arm and – keeping back thigh lifted – bending front knee to lift up front foot from floor (beginning of eka pada koundinyasana B). You can add a mini chaturanga here.
- Humble warrior 2 – parsvakonasana with hand inside of leg, trying to bring forearm to the floor – prasarita padottasanana A (R/L)
- Malasana with twist (to get shoulder/thigh connection) (R/L)
- Bakasana
- Crescent – low lunge – hanumanasana with foot reaching slightly diagonally to front corner of mat (to stretch adductor line) (R/L)
- Flow to low lunge position for eka pada koundinyasana B (R/L)
- Peak: Bhujapidasana (with blocks under hands)
- Tittibhasana (with blocks under hands, big strap loop around feet)
- Non-weight bearing modification: navasana (boat) with legs working to straight (can bring arms inside legs to approximate tittibhasana)
- Cool down:
- baddha konasana (adductor and outer hip stretch)
- parivrtta janu sirsasana (open side body, stretch adductors) – baby wild thing (stand on bent knee, take arm over head, nice side body stretch and front body opening)
- reclined twist
- ananda balasana (happy baby)
- savasana
Want more? Check out my continuing education courses in Yoga Sequencing and Teaching here.