So many of us feel disconnected, sad, or stuck in our lives (I certainly have). Over the last twenty years, I’ve participated in a variety of processes – therapy, self-development courses, even cults (yes, cults!) – in my ongoing search to reconnect “home.” My work as both and actor and yoga teacher has been part of this desire to unpack my human nature and find my way towards increased connection and joy.
Path of Love is a process that has really worked for me.
Described as “the most intensive and life-changing meditation and personal development processes in the world today,” this 7-day experience consists of deep somatic housecleaning, personal inquiry, and coached small group work. The combination of these elements, supported by a profound commitment to support, caring and safety, creates a rare environment where deep exposure work and processing can be safely held. In other words, you get to work on some of your very deep shit.
This was my second time at the retreat. I first participated in POL about a year and a half ago when I attended as a participant. At the time, my life looked pretty good. I had a solid career, great family, and was blessed with supportive friends. However, I was struggling in my intimate relationships and sense of purpose. I had recently come through a two year process of trying to have a baby on my own and was grieving the end of that dream. I had some deep, old hurts that had never been fully mourned, and was continually castigating myself with “woulda, shoulda, coulda” been’s. My mind woudn’t shut off. I felt disconnected from my heart, vibrancy, and vulnerability.
Path of Love delivered on its mission. By the end of that week, I felt more open, alive, and true. I had danced with my ghosts: alternatively raging and embracing them – and made peace with some old pains. I felt more embodied and awake in my own skin. I felt like I had seen the true, shining face of humanity – both in myself and others. Most importantly, I put a big crack in my own armor, experienced my own vulnerability, and felt true self-love.
This year, I returned to the process to act as support staff. When you staff, you have the opportunity to support the participants, connect with the community, and engage in a mini Path of Love again of your own.
During this time, I had the privilege of witnessing what happens when we are courageous enough to embrace our vulnerability and crack open our own masks. We usually walk around in the world guarded by our personalities and defensive structures. While they keep us safe, these masks also prevent us from fully connecting with others – and ourselves. Beneath every mask is vibrant, innocent, and shining Presence. When we are safe enough – and courageous enough – to drop our defences, we can reconnect to this fundamental, radiant core.
Here is what I learned, or remembered:
- Humans are innately good. When we drop our various masks of protection, we all seek love and connection.
- Our radiance shines through us when we are no longer afraid of being judged or pushed away.
- We are all the same. The stories may be different, but the fundamental human experience – replete with loss, agony, shame, anguish, anxiety, armour, laughter, love, joy – is universal. We are far more connected than our minds think.
- We can’t do it alone. Together, we heal.
- Your body knows all your secrets. Move your body, and heal your Self.
- Being witnessed in compassionate presence heals very deep wounds.
- We are very resilient. When we don’t hide, we can heal.
- When in doubt, slow down.
- The heart and the head don’t always have to agree.
- You can’t reason with your inner critic; you just gotta say, Fuck Off.
- Prayer – no matter who you are praying to – will nourish your soul.
- Connection lies through your exquisite vulnerability.
- You belong.
If you are interested in shifting something in your life, I highly recommend this process as a resource. You will not be the same.