Here’s our challenge for this week. Chew your food.
Now, I am a human hoover. I can suck down a salad like it’s a lukewarm milkshake. I think my need to rush through eating comes from some sense that life must be constantly in a hurry. I have an underlying anxiety that I must constantly be getting things done. So…eat on the run, eat at the desk, eat in the car, and always eat as quickly as possible.
According to some of my lazy ass Google searching, on “How much should we chew our food,” we should chew anywhere from 5-32 times for each bite. Five times for something like oatmeal, 32 for something like a raw carrot or piece of steak.
Well, the physical benefits for your digestion are a no-brainer (your saliva helps you to start to digest, having smaller stuff in your stomach can reduce bloating, triggers the satiety response, chewing well can reduce acid reflux, etc), but I am actually a bit more inspired by the spiritual and mental benefits. Slowing down to chew helps us to slow down, and enjoy a sensory pleasure. We relax, get more connected to the present moment and the physical world, and can downshift our nervous system. So for some of us (ahem, me), this may require some practice. I’m likely going to have to pause, take a few breaths, and create an energetic state change so I don’t automatically gobble up my food like Cookie Monster NOM NOM NOM.
For those of you turning in, this invitation is part of “52 weeks of small daily habits”, in which we do something small every day for a week that can move our dial in health and wellness. Last week was “drink enough water.” Join us on this mini-resolution, or make your own.
So here you go heroes! This week: chew every bite at least five times.
Week 2…and….GO. (I’m gonna go practice. Where are the cookies?)