Five Steps to Expand & Create Your Life

The Universe is constantly expanding; are you?

Growing up, like many, I was taught to believe that I was spoiled, greedy, or unrealistic for wanting more than I had or what was considered to be “reasonable” by my social and financial environment.

Here’s the limiting challenge with that: as we become established, this learned belief begins to feel contracting.

When we are young, there is so much to experience and we are constantly growing. However, once we complete school, obtain our first or second “adult” job, and maybe settle with our partner and purchase a home, all of a sudden we realize: “This is it.” Our culture has built us up to achieving this initial level of “adulting”, but then what? Are we supposed to be happy living the status quo until retirement?

I don’t think so!

You may be thinking, “But my life is good. I don’t need more.”

Those are learned thoughts, my friend. Because you desire more, you can receive and experience more! We get to expand with our desires.

We get to continually grow throughout our adult lives.

While it’s important to continue to expand, sometimes the contrast of what we desire versus what we are currently experiencing can throw us into a funk. Below is a process for learning what it is you desire and move out of your current “fine” life and towards consciously creating the life you truly desire and are excited about every day!

Allow yourself to dive into this exercise, by first releasing what you believe to be possible!

1. Practice Gratitude

Start with gratitude! Write down at least one page of what you DO have/get to experience. These can be seemingly small, or they may seem large and extravagant!

2. Acknowledge

Acknowledge what you desire to have/experience. Allow your imagination to fly free and create a list of everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, you desire – experiences, feelings, things, whatever!

3. Examine

Look at what is holding you back from receiving/experiencing. What are the beliefs you’ve accepted as true that make you think you can’t realize your desires? 

4. Remove your limits

Go through and remove those limits.  Options:

  • Create a mantra/new belief
  • Prove it wrong by thinking: has anyone ever proven this belief wrong?
  • Give yourself permission to believe a new belief

5. Decide

Decide what you desire; decide that you get to receive it; decide it gets to be easy for you

Take all this knowledge and take the guided journey on this audio to truly tap into what your ideal day looks and feels like.

And this is just the start!

As you expand, so will your imagination of what is possible. Your natural tendency is to expand, just as the Universe is expanding! You have the power to consciously create your life. Your desires are yours because you have the ability to experience them in your physical reality!

What is your next first step towards consciously creating your life?

“Expand Your Reality” Visualization