The refreshing anti-New Years

calvin-hobbes-new-years-resolutionsIn November of this year, I themed my classes around “No”vember, essentially asking, what can we say “No” to…in order to say “yes” to something greater? * The premise is simple:

  • You are already complete
  • You already are your best self, and in your deepest self you know your highest vision for yourself (you know it because you hear that little voice that tells you when you’re veering off-course, and says “ahhhhh” when you’ve done the right thing!
  • Now, we simply gotta clear away the gunk that gets in the way…by saying no.

So, this year: the anti-new years resolution!

We often think the answer lies in doing more.  More gym, more vegetables, more work, more obligation, more tasks.  However, these kinds of obligations – though coming from an inspired desire to be better – often wind up weighing us down and becoming dreary rules that we feel compelled to follow.  When we can’t check everything off our unending list of self-improvement, we become despondent and feel that we’ve let ourselves down.

So, this year, rather than asking, what can I add onto my life to be better, ask yourself:

What can I let go of to let my best self come through?

Here are some examples:

  • Let go of obligations
  • Let go of old habits
  • Let go of fear
  • Let go of self-doubt
  • Let go of activities that don’t make you vibrant
  • Let go of should’s…in favor of really following your priorities

If you’d like something a little more physical to spur you on, this is the ideal time to:

  • Let go of old clothes
  • Let go of old kitsch that just takes up space
  • Clean out your photos
  • Clean out your junk drawers
  • Clean out your bookshelves
  • Clean out your desk
  • Clean out your kitchen
  • Clean out your appliances

Not only will you lighten your own load, but you can bring your goodies to the Salvation Army and make a New Years’ donation at the same time!

Feel free to share your inspirations and stories.

Happy New Year!


* Originally inspired by my fabulous friend Shandy Rae Scarfo (check out The Naked Sprout  in Whistler). She did a “no” vember theme a couple years back in her yoga class that I loved.

Holiday gift special: what laryngitic cats have to do with joy

Christmas cheery presentsI love to sing.

Ever since I was a kid, I have sung in choirs, in musicals, a cappella groups, and even the occasional rock opera.   Even when I sound like a laryngitic cat, I relish the attempt.

About a year ago, I started to take singing lessons.  Yay, I thought!  Now I will have the opportunity to sing more often and spend time on something I love.  What fun, what joy, what a gift!



After about the second week, my brain started in:

  • “Oh, now I have to practice”
  • “Thank god I practiced, now I can check that off my list.”
  • “Oh, I suck because I don’t want to practice”
  • “Uh-oh, I have a lesson and I haven’t practiced”
  • “Ugh, why did I schedule a lesson?”
  • “I hate singing.”

I turned singing – something that I loved – into an irritating obligation.  See, we humans are funny critters.  Invite us to do something that we love, and we’re ecstatic.  Tell us that we have to do it, and we become mopey and resistant.

This “flip” happens in our yoga practice as well.

When we first begin to practice, our mind and bodies sing with happiness.  “I can’t believe I found yoga,” we gush.  “I absolutely love my practice!  I need my practice.””  But as time moves forward, we start to turn yoga into something to check off our list.  “Gotta get my practice in.  Good, now I can check that off the list.  Done.”

Ironically, in forgetting to relish our practice, we deprive ourselves of the very experience that we made time for!

This holiday season, give yourself a special gift.  Reclaim the quiet, profound, and personal gifts of your own yoga practice:

  • When you arrive on your mat, take a moment and pause.   Really. Take a breath.
  • Let go of the checklist.
  • Get rid of your agenda.
  • Remember why you came back to your practice in the first place.
  • Enjoy your time to simply breathe and move.

And, as you approach the holidays, consider if there are other places outside of your practice that you are setting yourself up for this same “flip.”

For example:

  • Holiday parties
  • Seeing our friends
  • Buying presents
  • Making time for our family
  • Traveling
  • Eating holiday treats

These opportunities to connect, feel, and play become dreary when we turn them into obligatory errands or appointments.  Ask yourself: are you clearing off your to-do-list, or can you give yourself the time to fully enjoy the richness of these once-a-year experiences?

Nourish yourself this holiday season by accepting the gifts that are already right in front of you.

Drink every last drop of their eggnoggy goodness.

Elimination Diet: Week 2

funny-pictures-cat-is-tiredMy god, what a week.

The fatigue was unreal.

I’m not sure which had the greater effect on my energy – caffeine withdrawal, the food detox, or the kick-my-booty yoga workshop with Desi Springer and John Friend – but I was a tired puppy dog.  Surely it’s a combination of all three, but I’m putting my money on caffeine as the primary culprit.

I even took naps.  Yes, naps.  Now, I am not what you’d call a nap person, but there was an afternoon that I could not help myself but collapse into bed between the yoga training and teaching and passed out.  Deep, sloggy, bone-ass tired.

And the moods.

Friends, I would like to share: I am not always a bright, chipper ray of sunshine.  Yes, I love the light.  I relish the uplifting joy of being alive, embodied and in play with the universe.  Like a plant, I yearn to lean into the light and expand my happy little leaves.  But there are days where I descend into the darkness and the muck.  My happy little leaves get squashed under a big-ass boot called “Anxiety-Depression” and down I go into the boggy depths.

Last week there were moments of light…and there was also some serious swamp time.

But sometimes we gotta be in the swamp.  There ain’t no lotus without the mud.   If we’re going to clean the house, there are going to be some dust bunnies.  Now – relatively on the other side – I marvel at the emotional journey.  Yoga was incredibly helpful during this time.  I am very grateful for Desi Springer and John Friend’s heart-bursting, booty shaking yoga workshops.  I have no doubt that – despite my weary resistance – consistently working to expand my physical body helped to woo my nervous system from its depths.

Tips for your first week

From my experience over this last week, here are some tips for you if you’re going on a cleanse:

  • Be ready to be tired.  The fatigue that you’ve been hiding under your sugar and caffeine feedings will surface.  Let it come.  Embrace it.  It is your authentic energy body finally having a chance to ask for rest.  Give yourself the time and space to get quiet.  Sleep.
  • Allow your emotions to surface, rise, and pass.  Like your fatigue, emotions frequently get stuffed under food and drinking habits.  We dull out the feelings we don’t want with alcohol and comfort foods.  Breathe.  It’s okay.
  • Do yoga.  Show up to your practice.  But give yourself permission to modify.  Try restorative or yin.
  • Slow down, clear your schedule.  Give yourself permission to nourish your senses with walks outside, music, good books.
  • Drink warm liquids.  Even just warm water.  Warm liquids help your digestion and calm your nervous system.
  • Sit quietly for 5 minutes a day and simply feel your body and your breath.

On another note, forgive your cleanse lapses.

I had some slip up’s this week (like the moment I realized my beloved Bragg’s is made with soy.  Duh.  I think I was in denial.), but the big picture is really what’s important.  You are making big positive changes.  Do your best, but forgive the lapses.  Then do your best.

And my caffeine update.  Okay, I had a small caffeine lapse.  And I’ve been a little obsessive about decaf coffee.  I know it’s a sticky point for me.  So as a personal challenge, next week I may try to get off coffee entirely.  Onwards.  Week 3.


Elimination diet: first week

49thUm, I think I’ll consider this week a warm up week.   A…mostly elimination diet week.

I’ve done a pretty good job of cutting out the potential causes of digestive alarm, but…there have been a couple slip ups.  Mostly involving decaf coffee and diary substitutes.  (Starbucks – why do you only have soy?  Why?)   However, since discovering the outrageous goodness of almond-milk decaf lattes (really good ones available at 49th parallel, Whole Foods, Bica, and Gene’s), I feel that I can overcome nearly anything.  That is, except letting go of decaf coffee entirely.

Another Achilles heel?  Popcorn.  I am a crunchy, crunch finger food-lovin’ fan.  But corn is a no-go (even dry popped and organic), so instead I will satiate my crunch needs forthwith on rice cakes.

While eliminating many of the comfort foods from my diet is a physical challenge (read on, friends, read on), the really interesting part of this process is psychological.  It’s become very entertaining to watch my mind find excellent excuses for satiation:

  • “But I deserve a coffee!”
  • “Surely a little won’t hurt.”
  • “It’s just rude not to toast with real champagne!”
  • “But popcorn is healthy!”
  • “They’ll think I’m so weird for not drinking!”  (It is so much fun to make others responsible for my decisions.)

Truly, a major reason that I’m doing this elimination process is to withstand the strident compulsions of my mind.  By changing the way I eat, I am beginning to change my identity as an eater.  I am not interested in being on a temporary diet that will have me yo-yoing between being “good” and “bad.”   Rather, I’d love to set up eating habits (and an identity) that will best support my functionality, wellness, and happiness as a human being.  Going a bit to an extreme through this elimination diet helps me to confront the harpy voices in my head and settle into the discomfort of not appeasing my mind’s every whim.  Getting comfortable with discomfort opens a world of possibilities and helps us to make good choices that are inconvenient.

…Even though I’m not giving up decaf coffee.

Yes, I see the irony.  But baby steps, okay?

Symptom #1: Fatigue

So, I’ve been absolutely exhausted.  Waking up in the mornings has been a muddy slog.  The first four days of last week were characterized by dullness and headaches – symptoms almost certainly caused by caffeine withdrawal.  And not only do I want to sleep, but my muscles feel physically tired as well.  Attempting to get exercise has been pretty hilarious.  I consider it a triumph if I just make it to class and do the minimum.  And I’m sore!  It’s as if my body is saying, “Slow down there, sister!”  So yes, body, I’m listening.  Slowing down as ordered.

The last time I withdrew from caffeine I experienced a similar torpor.  It’s as if going off caffeine suddenly exposed my underlying extant exhaustion.

These unpleasant side affects raises the question: well, why quit caffeine anyway?  If drinking caffeine gives me a happy high that makes the world seem grand,  why forgo that experience?  Is it that bad for you?

Well, for me, even though the highs feel great, the troughs of a caffeine crash are so brutal that I lose a sense of the difference between real and chemical fatigue.  I also have a hard time with moderation.  My little rat brain thinks: if one cup is good, surely four will be amazing!

For me, caffeine is like a bad, bad boyfriend.  When he’s there, he feels sooooo good…and when he’s gone it feels sooooooo bad.  Until I get over that cheating motherf*cker.

More symptoms

A secondary word for the week: bloating!  Damn, but those veggies know how to turn me into a puff-monster.   With a little pooching, I can seriously look as if I’m in my second trimester.  I think the problem will be ameliorated by the deliberate addition of fish into my diet, rather than trying to source my protein exclusively from vegetables.

Other symptoms?  I’ve also had a lovely breakout on my face.  I’m told this could be related.

Week 1A: 

So: tomorrow begins the…ah, “no-cheating-whatsoever!” portion of the elimination diet.

Well, truthfully, I will do my best, I’m also going to be okay with occasional slip up’s.

Otherwise I’ll accidentally eat soy, give up the ghost, and eat a cake.

Stay tuned.


Elimination Diet: First two days

CoffeeOooohhh, coffee!  Coffee I miss you!  Ohhhh, your sweet, sweet caffeine-y goodness!

Well, I have to share, I’m not off to the most perfect of beginnings.  Let’s just start with coffee.

I’ve spent the last ten days in Hawaii, where I went a little overboard (okay – a LOT) with the kona deliciousness.  Oh, delicious kona coffee!  How yummy you are!  I wasn’t going to eliminate coffee completely from my diet right off the bat, but I showed up at the office and we’d run out.  Darn it!  I had some black tea, but friends, it is not the same.   Just.  Not.  The.  Same.  So I’ve spent the last 48 hours sleepy and with a headache (not helped by the red eye flight and jetlag, I’m sure).  Rather stubbornly, I haven’t taken any Advil.  Although I wasn’t really planning on eliminating caffeine right away, I don’t want to let all this headachey detox go to waste.   I’m going to stick to decaf coffee and teas.  I may get away from coffee and caffeinated tea entirely…but let’s not be too hasty.  This is admittedly a place where I’m a little fuzzy in the elimination diet.

Another hiccup to my start: I did my requisite Whole Foods trip (that’s one of the perks of healthy diet change – a gleeful trip to fill a shopping cart with all sort of permitted goodies), but I had forgotten that on my list is no citrus, corn, and potatoes.  Hmmmm, whoops.  They just seemed so healthy when I put them in my cart.  My tactic is to eat them all immediately and consider these first couple days a “ramping up” into the true elimination.  Also, I just realized I can’t eat mustard.  I love mustard.  Or popcorn.  I love popcorn.  Rats.

Other news?

Well, let’s just put it this way.  My guy decided to stay in Hawaii and extra week and I’m darn glad that he did, lest my veggie inspired emissions mar his image of me as a ladylike creature.  It’s been an exciting two days.

To recap:  what is currently out of my diet:

  • gluten, flour
  • soy (and soy sauce, oh, sad!)
  • dairy
  • nuts/seeds
  • legumes
  • alcohol
  • caffeinated coffee
  • eggs

I’m also going meatless here, but we’ll see how this goes.  Without nuts, seeds, or soy, I’ll have to stay aware of how I feel.




Elimination Diet: Prelude

Herein begins the tale of a 3-week odyssey into an….(bum bum bum) elimination diet!

Ever since a trip to India awhile back, my digestion has been plagued by inconsistency.  I’ve tried being vegan, omnivorous, seen two naturopaths, seen an acupuncturist, done the antibiotic route….and still had a grumpy gut.  Having spent the last while happily in mai tai’s and  kona coffee, this seems like a perfect time to do a reset, clean up my act, and see if I can get to the bottom of what ails me.

An elimination diet removes foods that have a tendency to cause digestion issues.  Basically, you take away all the trouble makers for three weeks, then add them in one at a time to see if you have a reaction.

Here’s the game plan I’m intending to follow, courtesy of Precision Nutrition:

“To begin with, a good elimination diet will remove gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, corn, pork, beef, chicken, beans/lentils, coffee, citrus fruits, nuts, and nightshade vegetables. That might sound like a lot, but it leaves plenty of options for a relatively satisfying diet comprised primarily of rice, meat (i.e. turkey, fish, lamb), most fruit, and most types of vegetables.

The following table gives an example of what to include and exclude during an elimination diet.”

Foods to include Foods to exclude
Fruits Almost all fresh fruit Citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime, etc)
Vegetables Almost all fresh raw, steamed, sautéed, or roasted vegetables Tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes (sweet potato and yams are okay)
Starch Rice*, buckwheat* Wheat, corn, barley, spelt, kamut, rye, oats, all gluten-containing products
Legumes Soybeans, tofu, tempeh, soy milk, all beans, peas, lentils
Nuts and seeds All seeds and nuts
Meat and fish Fish, turkey, lamb, wild game Beef, chicken, pork, cold cuts, bacon, hotdogs, canned meat, sausage, shellfish, meat substitutes made from soy
Dairy products and milk substitutes Unsweetened rice milk*, almond milk, coconut milk Milk, cheese, cottage cheese, cream, yogurt, butter, ice cream, non-dairy creamers, eggs
Fats Cold-expeller pressed olive oil, flaxseed oil, coconut oil Margarine, butter, processed and hydrogenated oils, mayonnaise, spreads
Beverages Drink plenty of fresh water, herbal teas (e.g. rooibos, peppermint, etc.) Alcohol, caffeine (coffee, black tea, green tea, soda)
Spices and condiments Sea salt, fresh pepper, fresh herbs and spices (i.e. garlic, cumin, dill, ginger, oregano, parsley, rosemary, thyme, turmeric) Chocolate, ketchup, mustard, relish, chutney, soy sauce, barbecue sauce, vinegar
Sweeteners Stevia (if needed) White or brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, desserts

Join if you wish and do your own version..perhaps just eliminating alcohol, refined sugar, and gluten, for example. Time for a good fall cleaning!

Here we go!

Going Vegan: the end

The issue of poo

Ever since I went to India, my digestion has been…shall we say, “off.”  Ummmm, for those of you who like better descriptors, shall we say…”fuzzy.”  Or ill-formed.  Or goopy.  Or how about let’s just say that my body is not producing the perfect, soft, firm poo that we all aspire to.

I got my poo tested (trust me, you do not want to know how I did this), then did the usual Western solution and endured three weeks on some particularly disgusting antibiotics in an effort to rid myself of my new-found digestive pest.

To no avail.


The sexy naturopath

In desperation, I went to a highly recommended naturopath, who suggested that I do an elimination diet.   She was dressed like one of the real housewives of Newark, New Jersey.   She had high hair, massive bosoms, and a soft, knowing manner.  I quite liked her, and admired how she was able to walk in heels that were so high.

I took an expensive allergy test, waited three weeks, and came back for the update.  She said that though I looked skinny, I had fat around my organs that wasn’t healthy.  I had developed allergies to several foods, but luckily nothing that was permanent.  If I was disciplined for 9 months, I could help my body recover from all of my bad habits and reset my system.  And then she put me on a diet that removed…well, almost everything.

  • no gluten, flour
  • no dairy
  • no soy
  • no eggs
  • no nuts
  • no seeds
  • no alcohol
  • no caffeine, no coffee
  • no sugary foods
  • nothing fermented (this truly sucks.  No Braggs.  No Braggs???)
  • nothing that would add to yeast (no nutritional yeast, my vegan friends)
  • no bananas (particular to me, I have an allergy.  Which makes sense, because they make me feel sick.)
  • no broccoli (particular to me, because I lived on it all the time)
  • no pineapples
  • no citrus fruits
  • no corn
  • no nightshades (tomatoes, eggplants)
  • no potatoes

Understand: when I went to see her, I was vegan.

Take another look at this list, my friends.  No soy, no nuts, no seeds?  What does a vegan eat exactly?

Answer: the vegan eats meat.

Oh, and the naturopath’s specially formulated protein shake mix that she’ll sell you for a low-low price and you’ll need to eat as two meal replacements.

Now, when this event happened, I was ready to try anything to fix up my belly.  Veganism had been a bit tough on my innards.  (For more information, see the many posts on flatulence under “Going Vegan.”)  So, with my newfound, “what not to eat” knowledge, I went home whipped up a buffalo meat stew.  Yep, the same night.

Alan watched from the sidelines, incredulously.

“You’re cooking meat?”

“Yes,” I say, stirring our stew.

“You’ve been vegan for five months, haven’t eaten red meat in 15 years, and now you’re making a buffalo chili.”


He crossed his arms, leaned against the fridge, suspicious of his good fortune.  “Why?”

“The naturopath says I should.  And I’m anemic, so I’m low on iron.  She says that if I’m going to eat meat, buffalo is my best protein source.”

“I am,” he says emphatically, “thrilled about this.”  Alan, though very supportive, had never been a big fan of my veganism.  At heart, he was an avid meat eater stuck in a pescetarian psyche for the last ten years, and his natural carnivorous cravings were beginning to catch up with him.  My decision to go omnivore suddenly lifted his self-imposed ban as well.

My parents happened to be in town visiting (from Texas, so you can well-imagine that they were also pleased with my culinary turnaround), so we all sat down to eat together.

Alan took a bite and moaned, “It’s soooo good!  Why have I deprived myself for so long!”  He looked at me, wide-eyed and slightly wild, “This is amazing.  I want to always eat like this.”

I took a moment to pray for the buffalo before eating.  Thank you, buffalo.  Thank you for showing me so clearly this great cycle of life and impermanence, and my place within it.  I will not always be here, either, and this moment reveals the constant ebb and flow of material and life force, and my part in it – at least for now.  Thank you.

And I ate.

Did it taste good?  Well, yep, it tasted pretty darn good.  Was I freaked out to be eating meat?  A little freaked out.  But I’d been raised on meat, so it actually didn’t feel or taste that weird.   And what, you may ask, were the side effects?   What happened to my poor system from eating a pretty good portion of red meat after 15 years without?

Answer: nothing.  Absolutely nothing.

And, wouldn’t you know, my digestion started to improve too.


The follow up

In addition to encouraging carnivorousness, the naturopath had also put me on a rigorous supply of supplements (sold by her, top quality at a low, low price) and her twice daily shakes.  When I went in for a check up, she measured my body fat percentage.  It was higher than when I started.

“Isn’t that weird,” I said suspiciously.  “I thought that number was supposed to go down.  You know, the organ fat.”

“No, sometimes it doesn’t.  It’s okay.”

“Maybe it’s because I’m drinking like a can of coconut milk a day in these shakes.”

“No, it’s not the shakes,” she says, “the shakes are fine.”

“And how long am I supposed to do this?”

“Nine months.”

Uh huh.


More problems

Soon after, I started getting massive stomach cramps after drinking the shakes.  I’d never experienced anything like it.

I emailed her, “Why am I getting massive stomach cramps?”

She emailed me back that it’s probably because I’m cheating on my diet. See, even the tiniest cheat can cause a massive setback.  And the tricky things is, you won’t experience an immediate side-effect.  The side effect can turn up a couple days later.  So really, you never know what’s causing your symptoms.  Or maybe it’s the flax oil.  Sometimes that causes a reaction.

Uh huh.

I’m starting not to like this naturopath anymore.  Particularly because she’s right: I am cheating.  It’s four months in and I’m exhausted by the restrictions (particularly the “nothing fermented” rule.  This eliminates pickles, mustards, citric acid…it’s  serious challenge.)  Particularly since the smallest cheat can apparently cause massive problems, it’s hard to tell if it’s actually working.  Am I going through a “healing crisis,” or reacting to a cheat?  Or is my body pissed off because I’m not eating  anything that it’s used to?

I decide that it’s not likely that putting a dollop of cream in my decaf coffee is causing massive cramps.  I think it’s more likely being caused by the massive amount of rice protein and coconut milk that I’m being told to consume every day.  Or the 20 pills per day.  Or the amount of money I’m spending.

I stop going.  It doesn’t feel right and I don’t trust the process.  I don’t trust her.

I go out and have a pizza.  Gluten, starchy, cheesy yum pizza.

And it is delicious.

And frankly, yes, I do feel bloated and paunchy afterwards.

But damn, it was good.



I am still not satisfied.

Ethically, veganism rocks.  However, as a vegan, my body does both better and worse than it does consuming animal products.   And I do feel a profound connection to the cycle of life and death as an omnivore, though perhaps that is not commensurate with the argument to be made against suffering and the impact the animal husbandry can have on the environment.  Eating only fish (great protein, great omega’s, perhaps the best option) has some problems now due to overfishing and concerns about radioactive saturation from Fukushima.)

More investigation needs to be done.  The self-laboratory continues…



Going Vegan, Ep. 23: The Blue Front

drowning-in-plasti_1391171cMore distressing news from the Blue Front.

Colbert had a guest on this show named Captain Charles Moore, who discovered (or rather, did not discover, but talked about) the giant floating patch of garbage that can be found in the Pacific Ocean between Asia and North America.  He brought in a tub of plastic bits that had been taken off the shores of Hawaii.  Not encouraging.  Apparently instead of coral, our beaches will soon be made of old Tupperware and plastic baggies.

I also finished the Ocean book (“The World is Blue,” by Sylvia Earle).  It was hard to read.  Kind of like taking the Omega 3 oil that I’m supposed to take everyday.  Frankly, kind of unpleasant. (I’ve been neglecting my Udo’s Oil supplement lately.  The taste and texture just has done me in.)  Basically, we’ve depleted our fishing stocks and destroyed the sea floor so much that until something drastic is done, we are on a steep decline to no-happy-ocean-ville.  And no happy ocean-ville means no happy-people-ville.

Did you know that most of our oxygen comes from the ocean?  All the furor about the Amazonian rainforest – justified as is might be – has deterred our eyes from the more desperate question: what if we muck up the food chain in the ocean so much that the algae stops doing what we need it to do?

Not to mention that eating all these delicious top of the food chain fish (tuna, salmon, flounder, swordfish) means that we’re ingesting the compounded heavy metals (and yes, plastic) that these guys have been eating underwater for the last 100 years.  It also messes up the food chain by taking out the big boys.

AND, there’s also been some speculation lately about contamination from the Fukushima catastrophe.

So, I am concerned and a bit overwhelmed.  What do we do?  And what can I do in my own small little life to help make a difference in these global issues?

I take some solace in a quote from Gandhi: “Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.

One step at at time, my friends.  Or one mouthful.


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Going Vegan, Ep. 22: A Buddhist’s take on vegetarianism

reggie_rayI went with my friend Vicki to see Reginald Ray speak at the Vancouver Public Library.  Ray is in his sixties, has a doctorate in religious studies and is currently meditation instructor in the tradition of vajrayana Buddhism (tantric).  The founder of Dharma Ocean, a retreat center in Colorado, he spoke of intimacy and really “seeing” others, as well as of our need to renew our intimacy with the earth.

At the end of his talk, he asked for questions.  A thin, dark-haired young woman who was sitting in front of me nudged her partner, who shrugged and motioned her to get up.  She made her way up to the microphone.

She shook out her long hair and spoke in a soft voice.  “What do you think about eating animal products?  Don’t you think that not eating animal products is the way to become more evolved and that it is necessary for us to move forward?”

I perked up.

He paused and studied her a moment, “What do you think?”

“I have been a vegan for over ten years.  And it changed my life.  I felt closer to everything, more aware.  And that seems to be the way to go, to be compassionate to the earth, to others.”

My friend Vicki mutters, “So judgmental.”

He took his time, “I would say that that was a very good decision for you.  You got a lot of out of and it works for you.  But I don’t think it works for everyone.  Like me.  I eat an enormous amount of animal protein.  An enormous amount.  For health reasons.  I have this theory I was a Tibetan in my last life, and their diet is almost all animal protein, because there is nothing else.  But this is where we get into trouble as people.  When we find what is right for us and decide that then this must be right for everyone.   Then we are not “seeing” each other.”

“Hmmm,” she said.

He looked around, “The original humans were hunter gatherers.  But they hunted only what they needed.  They thanked the animal for its sacrifice in feeding the people.  Today the problem isn’t the eating of the animals, but the lack of responsibility in the way that it is done.”  He looked back at her kindly, “Dare I say there might come a time when you are no longer a vegan.”

She shook her head emphatically, “No, no, no.  My email address is “forevervegan.” I will never eat meat.”

He smiled, “In Buddhism, we have this thing called impermanence.”


Vicki and I hung out after the talk.  “I was so glad she asked that,” I said, “so interesting to see her assume that veganism had to be the way to go.”

Vicki paused.  “I hate that.”

Vicki is a soft-spoken MS physical therapist who has done a bunch of meditation retreats.  She is a fellow yoga teacher; we met when she came to one of my classes and we realized that we’d gone through the same teacher training.  Our yoga style is a tantric yoga tradition, which means that the point is not to transcend life, but to become a deeper, more conscious part of it.

“I went to a vegan feast at Burning Man once,” she said, “It became very clear that I had to lie as soon as I arrived.”  She smiled, “I’m a terrible liar, but they were…ferocious.”  She laughs, “That’s such an animalistic word to describe a vegan.”

“They are, though,” I agree.   “They can be ferocious.”

“I couldn’t tell them that I wasn’t vegan.  But I’m also gluten intolerant, so they were like, “Wow, you can’t have wheat, bread, or eggs, or dairy, what do you eat?” ‘ She laughs, “I didn’t know what to say, I said, oh, you know, uh, quinoa and vegetables.  Lots of quinoa and vegetables.”

She pauses, “I do try to be responsible about what I eat.  I eat consciously and I respect my food.  But I like what Reggie said.  You have to see others where they are.  And be where you are.”

Vicki and Reggie got me to thinking.  Is being vegan a way of resisting – in some way – the impermanence of life?  After all, I don’t believe a cheetah is malicious when it takes down a zebra.   Of course we have a choice and that choice involves non-violence.. but I  began to wonder if eating vegetables was a way for me to avoid staring death in the face.  After all, if you’re paying attention, eating an animal is a huge signpost that points straight at our own mortality.

When I ate my dinner that night, I took a moment to bow my head to my food.  “Thank you,” I thought to my carrots, “for reminding me that I am part of the cycle of life.  From the seed and sun and soil, you have have grown.  Now you will become part of my body, dissolving and transforming – and nourishing me.  So I can go forth and participate in this world.  You remind me that I am a part of this cycle of impermanence.  Of change.  Amen.  Namaste. Om.”


What yoga has to do with time management (answer: everything)

time managementWe’ve all said it, “There are not enough hours in the day.”

I berate myself: why can’t I fit in a yoga practice, a jog, personal study, long walks with my boyfriend, getting a pedicure, making a home cooked meal, and blog writing all into one day? Oh, oh, wait, while working my full-time job?  Surely if I got up earlier, slept less, and were more efficient, I could get it all done.  Right?


We can’t possibly do it all, so let’s free ourselves from that impossible standard right now.   However, it may be possible to do it all over time.  Or to get the essential tasks done, but with more ease and grace…and still leave time for that pedicure.

Here’s how.

Meditation, or, Do one thing at a time

As a reminder, I have a post-it note with “do one thing at a time” on my laptop.

Our brains are like little monkeys, bouncing from one point of stimulation to the next.  Multi-tasking is a myth left over from the frantic 80’s and 90’s, where effective workers were seen to be octopi with 8 arms doing everything at once.  When we multi-task, we feel as if we’re quite busy, because our mind is doing the monkey dance.  (And in our brains, “busy” somehow feels like we’re getting a lot done.  It’s the “frantic” = “efficient” myth.)  However, it actually takes our brain longer to multi-task because it has to switch back and forth between activities.  So while we feel really effective checking our email while we work on a project, we’re actually losing valuable time.

In meditation, we task the mind to return to doing one thing.  Despite the natural monkey mind distractions, we return again and again to the task at hand.  In meditation, we usually return to the breath or to a mantra; in work, we can return to our single activity. One-pointed focus stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which creates an environment for calm and healing in the body.   Similarly, working on one activity at a time in our work will help us become calm and more settled.  Don’t be seduced by the outdated multi-tasking myth; equipoise is our most productive mind state. 

Turn off your email

A huge part of “doing one thing at a time” is to address our addiction to instantly answering email.

Email is the “shiny thing” of the 21st century.   Nothing makes our monkey mind happier than the hearing the captivating ping and vibrations that occur when a new email drops into our inbox.  A new email means that we are important.  Monkey mind says, “We must check it now!”

Um, actually monkey mind?   Simmer down now.

Most emails aren’t urgent, and yet we still feel compelled to answer them immediately.  Instead, set aside specific times of day (perhaps one or two) to answer your email – then stick to them.  When you’re not in email answer mode, then turn it off.  If it’s an emergency, they will call.

Same theory goes to our phone.  Turn off your text notifications so that you can stay focused on your task without interruption.


A rather inelegant word, “chunking” also goes hand in hand with “no-multi-tasking.”  It involves putting similar tasks together.  In other words, set aside a block of time to do just your email. Then set aside time to do just your phone calls.  Then just your writing.  Etc.  Chunking – like doing one thing at a time – lets your mind settle into a rhythm and become more focused.  Optimal performance happens in 90-minute cycles, so make sure to give yourself the time you need to dig into each of your projects.

Refueland Breathe

Productive work is a marathon, not a sprint.  Take some time during your day to walk outside, take a stretch, breathe deeply.  Do a little yoga.  Savour your lunch – and for goodness sake, don’t eat at your desk.  Instead, give your senses the nourishment they deserve.  Taste your food.  Feel your body.  Take a mini-vacation from your left-brain through visualization, imagination, and sensations.

Even a five-minute break will rejuvenate you and allow you to return your left-brain tasks with more focus and energy.


When we are planning large projects, we can easily become overwhelmed by the amount we need to accomplish, which may drive us to dive in and frantically try to make headway.  Instead, pause and make a long-term plan that allows you to take small and incremental steps every day to realize your vision.  Practicing pacing and patience will give you the stamina and support necessary to make your vision a reality.

Effective planning will also give you the perspective to know when it’s time to stop working and let a project rest.  Practicing contentment (santosha) with your daily efforts lets you take meaningful steps forward while maintaining a balanced life.

Finally, dont sweat the small stuff

Great time management means knowing when to not do something.

When you are planning out your day, ask yourself: which tasks are the most important in terms of moving your priorities forward?

Don’t be afraid to let go of tasks that don’t serve your priorities.  Simplify. The Sanskrit word for discernment is “buddhi;” it is the part of our mind that speaks beyond our habitual, ego-driven reactions.  The voice of buddhi is the one that invites us to take a step back, breathe, and make a more conscious choice in the moment about what is important. 

Time Management: your yoga at work

Time Management is more than about completing a task list; true time management is an invitation to assess our priorities, choose with discernment, and practice mindfulness.  Not only will we become more effective at completing our projects, we will accomplish more with ease and a sense of calm.

So remember:

  • Do one thing at a time
  • Refuel
  • Practice contentment
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff

Not only will conscious time management enable us to become more productive and effective, its greater gift is that it offers us another avenue to practice yoga and mindfulness in our everyday lives.

When to say “no” to a yoga job

Still from "Office Space," very funny movie involving spectacularly bad management.
Still from “Office Space,” very funny movie involving spectacularly bad management.

I recently received  an email from a former student.  As a newer teacher, we are obviously excited about teaching and eager to take advantage of opportunities when they arrive.  However, they may not always be the right opportunities!  Here’s what she wrote:

“I do hope you are well! I need some advice, and I was hoping you could offer some.

I have been subbing for a fantastic yoga teacher who has offered me a couple permanent classes. Unfortunately the subbing has not been going well and the management is a real drag to get a long with. They don’t answer e-mails, classes have been canceled and I don’t find up until I get up there, room changes that I am unaware of and doors locked that don’t get opened until half way through the class…

Although the money is great and I don’t want to disappoint the teacher, I feel like I need to pass on the classes. However, I am concerned that I should just suck it up and take the money and experience…. If you have the time to offer any advice it would be greatly appreciated.” What an amazing question!  When we’re just starting off, we often feel pressured to take experience – any experience! – because we love yoga and want to dive in.  My response:

“Trust your instincts.
Express gratitude for the opportunity, but politely decline.  You are not disappointing her (and if you are, then that is her challenge and not yours)..she is offering you something that would need to benefit both of you in order to be a win/win.  And given the situation, it would not.  As much as they audition US, we are also auditioning THEM.
Depending on your relationship (or her inquiries), you could choose to be honest.
“I admire your teaching and am very grateful for the opportunities that have been given to me.  I would love to find a situation that works for both of us.  I have had a few experiences that are a little unsettling and are giving me pause from accepting the classes. (Detail the issues – specifically and non-judgmentally.)  When these communication issues occurred, I felt unimportant and ill-at-ease – especially because I have to travel such a distance to get to the studio.  If I were to join your community, I would want to feel confident that we could communicate earlier about studio changes.  What are your thoughts/ feelings around that?”
If it’s just too far and not worth discussing, then a polite “thank you for the opportunity, but it’s not the right opportunity given my other obligations right now” will suffice.”
Subjecting ourselves to unprofessional management isn’t part of a karmic debt. Evaluate each opportunity as it comes, and consider the proposition in view of the greater tapestry of your life.
  • Will this experience elevate or diminish me?  
  • Am I holding them to the same professional standards that I hold myself?
  • Do I truly feel good about accepting the management limitations because of the experience I will be gaining?
  • What are my instincts?
When we’re starting out, we don’t always have access to the teaching options we desire.  But we do have the power to say “No” to situations that will not serve us.  Being a newer teacher isn’t carte blanche for inappropriate managerial behaviour.  Make your decision clearly weighing your options.  And remember – other teaching opportunities will arise.  Keep your eyes on the studios and management that feel like your community, and focus your efforts there.
Happy teaching!

How to choose your perfect mentor

mentorIn my role as the Director of the YYoga Teachers’ College, I have frequently been asked by recent training graduates, “Now, how do I choose my mentor?”  For yoga students, this is akin to asking the question, “How do I choose my teacher?”

First, it’s important define exactly a mentor is.  From Greek mythology, “Mentor” was the name of the Odysseus’s trusted friend who was charged with the responsibility of raising his son while Odysseus was away on his travels.  A mentor is therefore a trusted guide, whose role is to teach from the light of his or her own experience.  Not only does a mentor advise, but he or she is also expected to model ideal behaviour.

In looking for a mentor, we are not trying to find someone who will simply tell us what to do.  As yoga students, we come to the learning table with the substantial weight of our personal practice and life experience.  As yoga teachers, we can add our teacher training to our list of resources.  At the same time, we want our mentor to have more experience than us, so that they can advise us as one who has already “traveled the path.”  Entering into a mentorship is entering into a partnership, where each party values the others strengths and contributions.

When looking for a mentor or teacher, it is important to find someone with whom you can develop a relationship of trust, communication, and mutual respect.

Ask yourself:

  • Which teachers model the behaviour or teaching that I wish to cultivate within myself?
  • Who inspires me?
  • With whom do I feel that I can communicate honestly and effectively?
  • Who do I feel comfortable asking questions of?  And sharing my own point of view?
  • With whom do I feel mutual respect as a teacher and person?

Finding a mentor with knowledge is only part of the journey; we also need to choose a mentor with the ability to provide us with communicable resources to develop our own skills.

Finally, when looking for a mentor, remember that you are not asking for a favor.  In its best incarnation, the mentorship process is a two-way street, where your mentor will benefit and learn as much – if not more – than you by the partnership.   A good mentor will cherish the opportunity to be a humble student as well as a knowledgeable guide.

Happy learning!

Cirque de Soleil. And your yoga teacher.

In the furor to “get noticed” and have street cred, yoga instructors are often expected to display Cirque de Soleil like physical prowess. Can you do a crazy pose? Do you have mad, unusual flexibility? Then I am impressed and you are suitable to be my teacher!

While I have great respect for dedicated yogis who have developed mastery as a result of their commitment, I do feel obliged to point out that gymnastics and yoga – though they bear some resemblance and have apparently some shared heritage – do not have the same goal.

Because it is challenging to measure someone’s “inner peace” or kindness, the easier landmark becomes what we can see. Can they get their foot behind their head? Do a crazy backbend? Surely physical skill translates to spiritual evolution. Doesn’t it?

A good check in: What is the purpose of your yoga practice? Is it about physical mobility and joint range of motion? Is it about kindness? Awareness? Getting into the “flow?”

We all gravitate to our yoga teachers for different reasons. Perhaps you are seeking a teacher who pushes your physical limits. But if you are NOT seeking that experience, then why become overly infatuated by the foot behind the head thing?

A story: one of my favourite teachers offered to give a student a ride home after her class. At this unexpected expression of generosity, the student said, “Wow, that’s so nice of you!” My teacher paused for a moment, and then replied just a bit tartly, “Well, if yoga doesn’t make you kinder, then what’s the point?”


Sauca: transcending body image

A little context

About two thousand years ago, a guy named Patanjali compiled a series of pithy aphorisms called the yoga sutras.  These cryptic sayings contain clues on how to escape suffering and ultimately reach samadhi (meditation/ bliss).  In his compilation, he describes a series of steps called ashtanga yoga, where he offers some helpful practices to practitioners to help them on their path in meditation.

One of these aphorisms asks practitioners to practice something called “sauca” – or “cleanliness.”


Most translations of sauca are a bit daunting, and hint that through the practice of “purity,” practitioners will ultimately find that there arises a natural disgust and disregard for their own bodies or the bodies of others.  Disgust? Disregard?  These words are off-putting to the modern reader.   At the very least, they reflect a time where our bodies, emotions, and thoughts were seen as impediments to the realization of our True Self.  Taken at its most extreme, the sutra implies that the wise will eventually feel a natural repulsion towards their physical form.

Recently in teacher training, the students offered a remarkable view on this sutra:

“We’re obsessed with our bodies, with our physical presentations.  Like Facebook, it’s all about our image.  This sutra reminds us that we’re more than our bodies, our clothes.”

“Especially for women,” another added.  “Women have been struggling with body image for a long time.”

I paused to consider their points: every woman I know is challenged by body image.  Every.  Last.  One.

Over the course of our lives, we’ve been taught that the way we look is not enough.  While we can never be too thin or too fit, we’re also not allowed to be caught dieting (ummm, but somehow “cleansing” and “fasting” are okay?).  Effortless beauty.  And god forbid you get old.

One of the most healing offerings of yoga is its capacity to offer a non-judgmental space for self-connection.  According to Yoga Journal’s 2012 survey, 82.2% of practitioners are women.  With so many women on the mat, the yoga space has the potential to be become a supportive forum for radical self-acceptance; a place where we value ourselves for how we feel on the inside rather than how we appear on the outside.

However, as marketing catches up with yoga, we are being encouraged away from the “cleanliness” of a healthy disregard for image and instead being encouraged to look like the cover of yoga Journal or purchase the right yoga outfit.  Lululemon markets its Groove pants for their ability to “create a snug gluteal enclosure of almost perfect globularity, like a drop of water” (“The Science of Yoga,” Broad, p.4).  In other words,  our yoga clothes are designed and sold to us on the premise that they should make our ass look good.  Now, I love my ass to look good on a Saturday night, but do I really want to be worried about this in yoga class?

Brought into a modern context, “sauca” could be a way of cleansing ourselves of our projections and expectations about our physical form.  Consider the following:

  • Are you self-conscious in yoga class about the way you look?
  • Do you dress to impress when you go to practice?
  • Do you worry what other people think of you in class?
  • Is there any space in which you feel comfortable to look exactly as you do?
  • How does this relate to your use of:
    • Food
    • Alcohol
    • Clothes (Lulu Groove pants included)
    • Makeup

We deserve to have a space for practice that is safe from body image judgment.  Where we can feel, and breathe, and move without worrying about who is looking.  Yoginis, we are the voice of North American yoga.  And ladies, it’s high time to reclaim the yoga studio as a safe haven for the expression of our bodies, our voices, and our spirits.



Here Be Tigers

TigerCast your mind back about a thousand years.

You’re in India, walking in the jungle.  Suddenly – a tiger!

Your heart races, your adrenaline pumps, you fun as fast as your legs can carry you in the opposite direction.

And you’re safe.


Now, fast forward ahead to now.

You’re at your desk.  You open your email.  Suddenly – a deadline has changed!  Your heart races, your adrenaline pumps, and you flurry into panic mode to address the “paper tiger” that has just shown up.

Phew, now you’re safe.   For the moment.

The only problem is that in the modern world, we are surprised by probably twenty paper tigers a day.

Our nervous system and our stress response, so elegantly designed to keep us from getting eaten by hungry tigers, has become one our greatest liabilities in the modern age.  The steady drip, drip, drip of adrenaline and cortisol into our system is causing adrenaline fatigue and a host of other stress- related illnesses.

According to the American Stress Institute’s 2012 study:

  • 77% of people regularly experience physical symptoms from stress
  • 73% of people regularly experience psychological symptoms from stress
  • 48% suffer sleep issues froms stress
  • 48% feel that their stress has increased in the last 5 years
  • 76% cited money and work as leading causes of stress

While stress can be good (achievement, strength, conditioning, awakeness), too much stress over a long time can start to burn your body out.  (Check out these “Six Myths About Stress” from the American Psychological Institute.)

There are many ways do de-fang our paper tigers.  Top choices:

  • Exercise
  • Meditation
  • Hobby
  • Journalling
  • Connecting with friends

While meditation and yoga won’t be everyone’s favorite solution, they do top the list of suggestions.  We have to give a significant shout out here to Herbert Benson, PhD, who in 1975 developed a system for triggering the “Rest and Digest” side of our nervous system.  Through scientific study, he proved that meditation reduced the effects of stress.  Although scientific study has shown that yogis actually don’t stop their heart, many studies have been done showing that they can significantly reduce their heartrate and blood flow.  The long-term practice of yoga has also been shown to lead to a lower resting heart rate.  (See William J. Broad‘s excellent book “The Science of Yoga” for a further investigation.)

As per Benson’s site, to practice the Relaxation Response:

  1. Sit quietly in a comfortable position.

  2. Close your eyes.

  3. Deeply relax all your muscles, beginning at your feet and progressing up to your face. Keep them relaxed

  4. Breathe through your nose. Become aware of your breathing. As you breathe out, say the word, “one“*, silently to yourself. For example, breathe in … out, “one“,- in .. out, “one“, etc.  Breathe easily and naturally.

  5. Continue for 10 to 20 minutes. You may open your eyes to check the time, but do not use an alarm. When you finish, sit quietly for several minutes, at first with your eyes closed and later with your eyes opened. Do not stand up for a few minutes.

  6. Do not worry about whether you are successful in achieving a deep level of relaxation. Maintain a passive attitude and permit relaxation to occur at its own pace. When distracting thoughts occur, try to ignore them by not dwelling upon them and return to repeating “one.” With practice, the response should come with little effort.

Practice the technique once or twice daily, but not within two hours after any meal, since the digestive processes seem to interfere with the elicitation of the Relaxation Response.


On a side note, tigers are endangered and there are fewer than 3,500 left in the wild.  The World Wildlife Fund and Leonardo DiCaprio are initiating a campaign to double that number by 2022, the next year of the Tiger.  Help out if you can.



How to Audition for a Yoga Studio. Includes: the worst piece of advice you’ll get.

AuditionsThe yoga industry has finally made it.  Auditioning has arrived.

The very word “audition” conjures up the image of nervous and leotard-clad showgirls warming for A Chorus Line while singing, “Got I hope I get it/ I hope I get it/ Please God I need this job.”  But whether we call it a “practical interview” or “Karmic Casting,” the yoga audition is becoming a mortifying necessity as the marketplace becomes saturated with skilled teachers.  So while we may cringe at the process, let’s look at the bright side and take heart in the growing popularity of our cherished practice.

The worst advice you’ll get

Ask a studio owner or manager for advice on the yoga audition, and here are some of the pearls of auditioning wisdom that you’ll hear:

  • “Just be yourself.”
  • “Don’t be nervous.  Just show us who you are.”
  • “Have fun.”
  • “Relax.”


As a veteran of the stage, I can assure you that this advice is absolutely useless because:

  1. It’s impossible to do.
  2. When you can’t do it (because of point #1) you will feel as if there is something wrong with you, which will make you feel more nervous, incompetent and freaked out.

So let’s just be candid.

You will not feel relaxed.  You will not feel like “yourself”.  You will not feel comfortable.

You will feel nervous.  You will feel giddy.  You may even feel nauseous or slightly ill.

Here’s the truth: you are undergoing this icky audition process because you want to be a yoga teacher.  And when you want something badly, you will feel nervous when you put yourself on the line. You are invested. You care. Not feeling nervous would be inhuman – or indicate that you didn’t really want the gig.  So let’s let go of that sweet little fantasy of “just relax” and get real about what you actually can control.


Prepare, prepare, prepare.

Every audition is different in its specifications, but usually you’ll know which poses you are going to teach.



  • Your alignment points
  • Breath work
  • Transition cuing
  • Use of imagery
  • Use of effective language
  • Thematic moment


  • Practice early (as in, a week before the audition) so that your unconscious has a chance to cement all your work into your body and mind.
  • Practice on your friends until you can get them in and out of the pose in your sleep.
  • Practice it until you can do it easefully.
  • Practice teaching the pose in several ways.
  • Don’t script yourself.  Give yourself room to improvise.

Find out: 

  • Everything you can about the studio
  • Who will be in the room, who else will be there (how many participants)
  • The audition format.
  • Know as much as you can so that you can have a good picture in your mind of what to expect.
  • If you can, go to the audition location prior to your appointment so that you can get a feel for the space.  The audition will be different from your expectations, but familiarize yourself as much as possible.

Also find out what kind of teacher is the studio looking for?

While we want to “be ourselves” (more on that later), it’s good to be clear what the tone of the studio is so that you can play in their parameters.  For example, auditioning for a gym is different than auditioning for a traditional shala, and how you teach should adjust accordingly.  An obvious example: if you’re auditioning for a gym, you’ll want to limit your use of Sanskrit, philosophy, and enthusiastic use of the harmonium.


As part of your preparation, visualize your teaching before you go to sleep at night.  Visualize it going just as you wish.

Whenever a fear-based thought comes to your head, practice pratipaksah bhavanam and cultivate the opposite thought.  Replace it with a positive thought, such as, “I am going to rock this audition.”  “I am going to be calm, steady, and kind.” Choose a  phrase that resonates with you.  Remember: this is a practice.  You will naturally have fearful thoughts occasionally and it’s not a big deal.  But when you find it happening, deliberately replace them with a positive mantra.

Seem normal. 

“Don’t be a crazy hippie,” as my friend Chris Brandt likes to say.  Studio owners want to work with responsible, punctual, friendly, safe teachers who play well with others and understand professional standards.  This is not the ideal time to burn incense and perform 15 minutes of Vedic chanting (unless that really defines you as a teacher and is appropriate for the studio, in which case, rock on with your Veda chanting self).

  • Arrive at least 10 minutes early.
  • Smile.
  • Be nice to the people who work there.  Especially the desk staff, as they will relay their impressions to the owners.  (Since you’re a yoga teacher, being kind should go without saying.  But.  Just saying.)
  • Dress professionally.
  • Your audition starts as soon as you enter the building.  Be your best from the moment you arrive.


How to control your nerves

Your thorough preparation will help you to control your nerves, because you will have confidence in what you are doing.  However, adrenaline is normal.  To take the edge off of this natural response:

  1. Breathe.  Use your pranayama. Controlled breathing regulates your nervous system.  Lengthen your exhale to control your breath and the crazy butterflies will calm down.
  2. Slow Down.  When we are nervous, most of us turn into speed machines.  You have time.  Breathe and think before you speak.
  3. Feel your feet.  Stay connected to the earth.
  4. Power Pose for 2 minutes to reduce your cortisol and increase your testosterone.  (See this amazing Amy Cuddy video).

What they want.  What you want.

Okay, so here’s the trick.  They want to see “you.”  They want you to seem relaxed and confident and yourself.  (Hence, their terrible advice.)   But we generally only allow ourselves to be relaxed when we are, well, relaxed. Which you won’t be.

So, before you go to this audition, do a little research on YOU.  Ask your regular students, “What’s my best quality as a teacher?”  Find out why they come to your class.  If you aren’t teaching yet, then as your 200-hour classmates what they perceive as your strengths. Also, do a little self-reflection: why do you teach yoga?  What do you want to bring to the classroom?  What makes you excited about sharing your passion with others?  And how does this manifest tangibly in your teaching?

When you prepare for the audition, brainstorm and practice different ways that you can create opportunities to share your strength or your passion with your students.  How can you reveal your strength and unique passion through your teaching?  Keep your larger mission in mind during the audition.  Remembering your larger purpose will help to anchor you in a broader and more meaningful context than the audition.

Easy Brownie Points.

Naturally do your research, but I’d wager these actions will be appropriate for most studios you’ll audition for:

  • Make eye contact
  • Smile
  • Stand up straight
  • Be audible
  • Match your vocal tone to what you’re teaching
  • Keep it simple
  • Plan how you want to walk around in the space so you’re not stuck pacing at the front of the room like a caged tiger.  No wandering.
  • Plan a time to give a verbal or hands on assist to a student (they want to know that you can see your students; work an opportunity to display that into your actual teaching plan so you make sure it happens)
  • Don’t sit down or squat, unless you’re teaching the beginning or end of the class
  • Be kind, not casual.
  • Plan one simple and short thematic moment (if you like theming)

And hey, if fun just starts to happen, then go with it.   🙂

Happy teaching.

Psssst: You might like this video 🙂

Squeeze your Ass-ana


Okay, okay, we’ve all heard it in yoga class:

“Don’t squeeze your glutes,” or “Relax your buttocks,” or something poetic like, “Allow the tissue of your ahem, buttocks flesh, to melt and soften…”

However you’ve heard it, the message is the same: don’t squeeze your ass.


Where “don’t squeeze your butt” started

Now this pithy bit of wisdom has very well intentioned beginnings.

First let’s take a closer look at the muscle in question.


Your gluteus maximus is a noble muscle, a large muscle, a power muscle.  It’s like a huge and happy dog: it loves to work and get things done.  The glute moves your thigh at the hip in two ways:

  1. Extension of the thigh at the hip.
    1. This means that your glute will move your thighbone (femur) backwards at the hip.  Example: you’re standing and you lift your leg back behind you.
    2. And it also means that it will bring your thigh from a position forward from the hip (flexion) back to neutral.  Think walking up the stairs.  Your glute is what you use to get from having one foot on the stair in front of you to actually stepping up.  It’s also what helps gets you from squatting to standing.
    3. Rotation of the thigh at the hip.
      1. The fibers of your glute run diagonally from your sacrum to your thighbone.  That directionality means that the glute also has the capacity to externally rotate your thigh at the hip.
      2. Try it:  You can easily feel this if you stand up and  – again –  lift your leg back behind you.  Now squeeze your butt.  A lot.  Do you notice that your lifted foot turns out?  This is because when your glute is fully working, it will rotate your thigh.

So, here’s the problem.

When your thigh is rotating outwardly, it can make your lower back feel…well…crunchy.  There’s less space in there now to lengthen your lumbar spine (ie: lengthen your tailbone down, which you may have heard before as a yoga cue) because the muscles around the hip are so engaged.


Try it:

You can feel this by comparing how easy it is to lengthen your lower back with your legs neutral versus externally rotated.

  1. First, stand with your heels together and your feet turned out like a ballerina.  Squeeze your butt.  Now try to lengthen your tailbone to the floor.
  2. Now, try the same action with your feet parallel, or even turned in.
  3. Which was more spacious?


Most of us will find that it’s more challenging to find length through the lower back when you stand like a ballerina and squeeze your butt.  As a general rule, it has made a lot of sense to not have ballerina legs when we do backbends in order to avoid over-compression in the lower back.  And because the glute muscle is the primary culprit behind the external rotation, yoga teachers started emphasizing a relaxation of the glutes during backbends.  They figured that if we cued everyone to keep the glutes relaxed, the thighs wouldn’t turn out, we wouldn’t get lower back compression, and everyone would be happy.  Presto!  Problem solved.


Problem not solved

As you may have guessed, this did not solve the problem.

Instead, over time and years of practice doing this, we’ve actually created another problem.


Flabby butts.horrors!


That’s right.  Yogis have flabby butts.

See, it’s not just the turning off of the glutes that’s the problem.  As you’ve probably noticed, yoga is all about the forward bends.  You can’t get 5 minutes into a yoga class without doing a forward fold (uttanasana) or downward dog (adho mukha svanasana).  Yogis are just slightly obsessed with opening their hamstrings and – you guessed it – their glutes.  And there aren’t many opportunities to strengthen the glutes in yoga – especially now that we’re cuing everyone to keep them “soft.”.  We don’t have that many movements in yoga that ask the glutes to turn on to their full potential.

So now we’ve been obsessively lengthening this muscle (via forward folds) as well as simultaneously not strengthening it.  And when you ignore them and stretch then for a long time, they’re going to get tired of being ignored.  So they check out and forget how to turn on effectively – even when you need them. 


How do I solve my flabby yogi butt problem?

If you’re cross-training – that is, you are doing other activities where your glutes get loads of work – then flabby yogi butt syndrome likely isn’t a problem for you.    So if you’re a power lifter or a marathon runner, then read no further.  Enjoy your glute stretches in yoga class and go forth in happy butt balanced health.

But if you’re a “full-on-love-my-yoga-what’s-cross-training?” kind of person, then you’ll want to take a look at giving your glutes more work during your asana practice.  Let’s look at some poses.



Most obviously, you can use your glutes more in backbends. Yay!  The curse is lifted!


So, for example, Locust pose (salabhasana).

When lifting the legs up from the floor in this pose, we generally keep the thighs neutral (teachers use cues such as, “lift from your inner thighs,” or “keep your thighs parallel to the floor”).   As an exploration, see what happens if you ….squeeze your ass.

Yes, your feet will turn out.  Yes, your butt will become slightly pumpkinish and round.  Yes, your legs will lift higher.  And it might be glorious!   Your gluteus maximus may sing a song of joy!  Like a Burmese Mountain Dog that is finally allowed to run around free through the Alps and do its work.

Or, for example, in bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana).   Explore turning your feet out (just slightly!) as you lift your hips up.  And yes, squeeze your butt!  See what happens!  If your lower back doesn’t like the way that this feels, then by all means back out, return to neutral, and make the lower back your priority.  But if it feels good, then maybe consider walking on the butt squeezing wild side occasionally?

Butt Stabilizing

We can bring the glutes back into the fold by recruiting them as stabilizers.   Take Mountain Pose (Tadasana) as an example.  Yogis have also been a little obsessed with “hugging in” for the last ten years, which engages the inner legs (adductors).  How about pressing your heels out away from each other instead?  (Go on, try it.)  Then you’ll feel your outer hips engage, which is turning on Gluteus Medius and mimimus – Maximus’s little pals!


Or – how about this – when we do our (many) forward folds in yoga, engage your glutes and your hamstrings rather than just hanging out in the stretch?   Rather than stretching the sitting bones forever to the ceiling, in a forward fold, instead keep the length of your legs but draw your sitting bones towards each other or towards your thighs to take your hamstrings out of hteir end range of motion.  As a recovering Flabby-Assed-Yogi, let me personally attest that there is a connection between flaccid glutes and torn hamstring attachments.  So protect your tendons by keeping your glutes eccentrically engaged (eccentrically in this context meaning “engaged while lengthening” rather than “bizarre”) as you practice forward folds.


Here are some cues to think about when you’re forward folding to keep your muscles engaged as they stretch:

  • Draw your sitting bones slightly towards each other
  • Magnetize your sitting bones to the backs of your legs
  • Hug your outer hips in
  • Root your tailbone down the backs of your legs


grainsaltGrain of Salt

Now, as a recovering FAY, I get very excited about all this squeezing of the butt, and it’s been very therapeutic for me to explore it in my personal practice.  However, we must keep in mind that our bodies are happiest when they are in balance.  By encouraging us to lift the ban on engaging the glutes, I am endeavoring to invite the pendulum back to center – not drive it into over-engaged, pumpkin butt dysfunction.  There is intelligence to keeping the lower back lengthened and stable in backbends, and for some of us engaging the glutes is not going to be the best route to stability.

Your relationship to your ass is, ultimately, a personal one.  So let this be a call to personal ass-engaging exploration!  Squeeze your bum in your yoga class and notice the corresponding effect in your hips and your lower backs.  Feel what happens in the backs of your legs when you’re forward folding: are you so tight that you need all the stretch that you can get?  Or are you at risk of going too far with too little stability?

Go on:  explore the full range of your bum’s potential.  Let the ass-ana adventures begin.

Reflections from the River Styx: Near death experience.

Screen Shot 2013-04-28 at 5.30.31 AMI asked my Dad what is was like to come back from the dead.

“Well, it was just dark and peaceful,” he said.  My Dad looks a little like Clint Eastwood. He’s got the same kind of squint and no nonsense style.  (And he spends most of his time operating heavy machinery on a farm.  By choice.)   But he’s also quick to smile and chooses to laugh when life is quirky rather than get mad about it.   Even when “quirky” means near death experience.

“So it wasn’t painful.”


“So you didn’t see any lights, or…fairies, or anything like that?”


“No one saying, ‘Welcome to the light, Bill?””

“No.”  He concedes,“Okay, there may have been a light, I’m not sure.”

My Dad is very tolerant.

“Were there any feelings associated with that place?”

He looks up and considers.

“Like I was floating,” he shakes his head, “But then it was over.”

“How long were you out for.”

He inhales through his teeth, “About five minutes, I’d say.  A retired New York firefighter started CPR and they brought a de-fib machine.  Rumor has it they hit me with a jolt five times.”

I deadpan.  “They really didn’t want to mess their cruise up, did they.”


“That,” I say,” would have been some bad PR.”

We crack up.

“…Okay, so when you came to…”

My dad sighs.

“Hey,” I say, “Hello, excuse me, near death experience, here?”

“Alright, alright.”  He gestures impatiently.

“Would you say that that experience made you less afraid of death, more afraid of death, neither way?”



He shrugs, “I was there.”

“And it didn’t hurt, it wasn’t bad.”


“You were like, I can chill here for a bit.”

He laughs.

“Were you alone in that space?” I ask.  He probably knows what I’d like to hear.  It’d be nice to hear that Granddad Scott was just around the corner and that all our childhood pets were romping happily at his feet.  Or that at the very least there was some sort of benevolent indefinable whosi-whatsit floating around.  I’m a yogi, so I’m not particularly attached to a vision of St. Peter.  But I’d be open to some straight-forward experience of one-ness and ultimate transcendence.  But my Dad isn’t one to blow smoke up anybody’s spiritual ass.

“There wasn’t anybody else there,” he says.

“But you didn’t feel lonely,” I press.

He considers, “No.”

“So it was alright.”


My Mom interjects from the kitchen, “What are you telling Rachel that you never told me?  You told me you didn’t know anything!”

“He didn’t say he knows anything,” I holler back.

“I told you everything that I told her,” he says, only slightly exasperated.

“You told me you just blacked out and there wasn’t anything!”

He rubs a hand over his head, “No I mean, it was just…peaceful.   I mean, it seemed okay.  But I was gone… “ he laughs at this, “So what do I know?”

“Well,” I say, “I think it’s interesting that you felt alone, but not lonely.”  I am taking this as a good sign.  “I mean lots of people have experience of seeing lights, things like that.”

He tries to humor me, “Well, I was probably in this transitional…” he holds up his hands, demonstrating some sort of supernatural crawl space.

“Right…” I point over an imaginary hill, “Like the trumpets were just right over there.”

He stands up and grabs his coffee, “And they were just holding them up to play…”

“And then they were like, ohhhh!  Snap!  False alarm, he’s back.”

We giggle.  Well, I giggle.  My dad kind of guffaws.


He heads back outside to fix up the fence across the road.  That’s enough time today spent on afterworld speculations.   There are stakes to be put in the ground, welding to attend to, and then the deer need to be fed.

And even though Dad wasn’t greeted by relatives, pets,  hallelujah angels, or a benevolent light, the experience was okay.  And he’s not afraid of death anymore.

And that’s something.

Wheel: Strap assist for spinal traction yumminess

Here is a two person partner assist for Full Wheel (Urdhva Dhanurasana).  This assist is perfect for those needing more space and stability through their lower back.


  • place the straps at the bra line and sacrum line
  • guard your own body position (hinge at your hips, not your low back)
  • pull the straps diagonally rather than straight up
  • use your own body weight to pull the straps – not your arm strength
  • stay in communication with both partners
  • To see this with a tighter partner, click here.

How not “doing it all” makes your Muppets happy

muppetsI have this fantasy.  Involving many muppets.

I attended an anatomy workshop last weekend with Diane Lee and LJ Lee.  Also attending was a constellation of health practitioners: chiropractors, physios, massage therapists, Pilates teachers…

The muppets in my brain went something like this:

Kermit: “I did not know that, that is amazing!”

Janice:  “Wow – being a physio is cooooool!”

Fozzie:  “Wait, HE said something amazing, he knows stuff too!  I’d better be an RMT, too.  No, wait, wait, really maybe med school!  Yes, be a doctor!”

Animal: “An-i-mal!  An-i-mal!”

Beaker: Eeeep, eeep, eeeeep!

Kermit: “Can I do that and work at the same time?”

Miss Piggie: “Moi?  I can do anything!”

Finally, I intervene in exasperation: “Gang!  We are not going to med school.”

They hang their heads in disaapointment, “Awwwwwwww…”

“At least,” I concede, “Not now.”

This muppet fantasy, which I can’t entirely shake, is that somehow I can do it all.  Or learn it all.  And if I learn it all, then I will be okay.  Then I will be worthy, respectable, infallible.  The knowledge in my brain will somehow protect me from all bad things (shame, ridicule, falling down in public, farting in public).

We all have our muppet fantasies, where we miraculously get “that thing” that we need and then the world falls into place.  For some of us, it’s about getting enough knowledge in our brains to feel perfect, for others it’s about getting the right job, the best relationship, the ideal house.  Usually we are “here” and this fantasy involves a mysterious “there” that isn’t quite reachable. Back at the workshop, Diane and LJ were speaking about community.

“So we can send someone to you and you’ll understand when we say that this is the primary driver.   Or when you send a client to us, you can say, this client is having trouble in utkatasana and hip flexion movements.  Then we can work together and…”

My muppets and I look up.

Work together?

So…not do it all?  Just do my thing?

What if I let go of the fantasy that I have to know it all in order to be “good”, and rather embrace my own niche? Not only would this keep me out of school  – and debt –  for the rest of my life, but it would also allow me to help people more effectively by honoring the specialized skills that I already have.  And then I could actually have a life occasionally (read trashy vampire books, see people, go to the beach, breathe) rather than fretting about everything that must be done to get me to my elusive and safe “there.”

My muppets are nodding.

Piggie: (flipping her hair) I like to read trashy vampire novels.

Fozzie: Then we can tell jokes!

Beaker: Eeeeep.

Animal: Animal!

Janice: Groovy.

Sam the Eagle: A very good idea.

Me: Gang, then we can do what we do well, and let other people do what they do well.  And work together.  And everyone wins.

Kermit (worried): But what about learning?  (He looks at the other muppets.)  We like learning.

Me: Or course keep learning!  I mean, there’s so much I don’t know.  But you know…maybe I don’t need to be a doctor.

Kermit (nods): That sounds good to me.

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: You don’t need to be a doctor.  I am already a doctor.

Beaker: Eeeeeep.

Me: Exactly.


The Pilates teacher next me whispers, “I’ve been thinking about doing my Yoga Teacher Training, I think that would be a great next step!”  And I smile.

Because I think I can help her out.