As social interactions and human connection remain limited, anxiety continues to surge through our society. To combat these anxious feelings and emotions, people are trying everything that they can to experience the levels of joy they once knew. Yoga, whether at home or in person, has been an extremely effective solution to calming the past two years of turbulence. Many people have added a yoga practice to their weekly routines. Additionally, during times of lockdown, yoga group classes via Zoom and yoga recordings were utilized in droves.
When experiencing bouts with anxiety and depression, it’s important to remember that we are not alone and that we are always supported. Wellness practices like yoga exist for us to recenter ourselves by bridging the gap between our minds and bodies. Through a consistent yoga practice, we can connect to our hearts and souls on a deeper level.
If you’re ever dealt with anxiety before, you will be excited to learn about these three impactful ways that yoga can help you experience more joy and live your best life.
1.Movement is Crucial
Oftentimes, anxiety can stem from thoughts about the future. For example, you could be nervous about a future event that you are required to attend, or an upcoming interaction with someone that you’ve been avoiding. Anxious thoughts can begin to spiral our minds into a whirlwind of uncertain beliefs about what the future holds. It’s a rabbit hole that many of us have been down and can relate to!
By practicing yoga, you give your mind the launchpad that it needs to jump out of that tornado of anxiety and into a happier state of mind. Moving your body is a key component of breaking through anxious thoughts or emotions. Since yoga requires extreme focus, it is difficult to think about the stresses of life while in your class or session. The gap between your mind and body is now diminished.
Yoga allows you to feel whole. Your body, mind, heart, and soul are now one. The flow of energy through the movements of your body allows your anxious mind to become quiet. The voice of your monkey mind that once influenced every thought that you had now sounds faint, or even silent. As you perform different yoga positions, your mind becomes clear and anxiety slowly drifts away.
2.Control Over Your Breath
There is an insurmountable amount of power in your breath. Our breathing has a direct impact on how we can feel emotionally. Our nervous system can become heightened, or relaxed, based on our breathing.
Yoga frequently integrates different breath patterns into each session. Breathing into certain stretches allows your body to relax more and stretch deeper. After a thorough yoga class with focused breathing patterns, your body can be permeated by feelings of euphoria, joy, and oneness. Breathing deeply reminds our minds that we are living, breathing humans on this planet that we call Earth. It provides a greater perspective on life and reminds us to be humble.
Controlling your breath is a great way to help treat anxiety. You can also integrate different breathing exercises into your normal routine outside of your yoga classes to help encourage calmness throughout your nervous system and being.
The emotional support that you can feel from a yoga class is potent, even when no words are spoken. Whether it be a group class, or 1-on-1, there is a level of positive energy that is nearly tangible which you can experience. This is especially true for group yoga classes. You can experience a deep connection to community when practicing yoga in a group setting classes. While expressing yourself physically through yoga positions, you are also expressing yourself emotionally through energy and breath. The energy within the room slowly blends into one cohesive sense of support. You then realize that your yoga class is your community, and everyone will stand with you to help support you.
Yoga instructors hold the space for all to come and express their emotions through movement within a class. You can set different intentions for each class that you take. There is no judgment when expressing yourself during yoga. You are always supported. Consider trying out a local yoga class near you to help squash any anxiety that you’re experiencing.
“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.” – Brad Meltzer
You are not alone in how you feel. Yoga groups are here to support you in your journey to healing.
Final Thoughts
Yoga is a powerful wellness practice that you can add to your routine to help decrease anxiety. Through movement, breath, and support, you can break through old limiting beliefs that are negatively impacting your life. There are a variety of yoga techniques and styles that you can explore to find the one that calls to you the most. Some, like ashtanga, are more physically demanding than others, while some styles, like restorative and yin, are more focused on stillness and relaxation. Whatever your needs are, you can find a yoga style that will meet your level and pace.
Anxiety may be something that never officially ‘goes away’ in your life. Through wellness practices, like yoga, we can recenter ourselves and calm our minds, allowing up to truly experience life in the present. Experiencing and practicing yoga reminds us how supported we are in our community and in the universe. Yoga helps provide us with the greatest opportunity to be the best versions of ourselves and experience life optimally.