To move into the unknown, we have to step out of our comfort zone. To paraphrase Andre Gide, we must consent to lose sight of the shore if we are to venture to new lands. As we let go of the attic junk that no longer serves us – be it a habit, relationship, attachment, or literal stuff – we are creating a blank space. And before we rush to fill the void, we can take the opportunity to sit in this space. To be with the unknown, the imperfection, the mess, the confusion. As we grow familiar with this uncomfortable place, we are less likely to act reactively to fill the void. Instead, we can become friendly with the openness. And when we do choose to fill the space, we can act consciously rather than reactively.
In yoga, we can practice moving into the unknown through our inversion practice. Whether we are moving into headstand, handstand, or forearm stand, we are switching our worldview and moving into unfamiliar territory. Literally, we change our perspective. More important than the state of the pose is our state of mind. As we approach something different, can we remain open to a sense of play rather than judgment? Can we allow for the space to explore rather than fix? And can we be compassionate with ourselves as we venture into unknown territory?
By practicing compassion and risk in inversions, we prepare ourselves for letting go in other areas of our life. As we approach the winter solstice, set an intention to create space. Let go of that which no longer serves you. I invite you to frame the intention as follows: “With great compassion for myself, I AM letting go of ______.”
With compassion and abandon, step into the unknown.